A note from the authors.

The 0beef movement is now student-led because we believe that students are the future, and the best possible people to address our educational institutions. However, we still have ongoing support from the original founder, Matthew Shribman, and several advisors. 

This website is currently being updated for the following reasons…

1)    The figures used on this website are global averages. We intend to have more regional data in order to be more relevant to you and to UK based institutions.

2)    We would like to emphasise that we are not “anti-cow” or “anti-farmer”, we are anti-beef as a mainstream food source. This website illustrates the clear scientific evidence that beef is incompatible with the long-term survival of civilisation. However, from a biological point of view, ruminant animals still have an important role to play in maintaining biodiverse pastures.

3)    We want to stress the importance of protecting the livelihoods of small-hold farmers who have the potential to be one of the most integral fronts fighting the climate crisis, especially when given adequate governmental support. The collapse of farming communities would allow large agro-businesses to take over and dominate the landscape; leading to more factory farming and further pollution. It would also prevent our food supply from remaining local. We believe that farmers should be rewarded for switching to agroecology instead of being paid for meat production, which drives the ever-growing number of cows. 

4)    We are going to add more information to illustrate the importance of opposing factory farming, especially where animals are fed with grains grown using unsustainable methods, on farms that are directly destroying our precious and dwindling rainforests.

5) Finally, whilst we use very conservative figures, from respectable sources, and our website is backed by top academics, we are aware that we need to include more of our sources, directly referenced on each page.

Whilst we need to write these nuances in, we are still very much advocating for schools, universities etc. to drop beef (and lamb). The science is clear: the numbers of cows and sheep on Earth needs to vastly reduce, starting with our beef consumption.

Yours faithfully,

The #0Beef Team